I lost verything in five minutes :( Great game btw!
I lost verything in five minutes :( Great game btw!
Um... I know you said NOT to post chatlogs, but this is important,
You: wat
Archon68: The Pandorabots Community has flagged one or more of your bots as inappropriate. Once a bot is flagged, it is reviewed by Pandorabots staff in the context of our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. In our initial review, we have determined that this bot appears to be in violation of these guidelines, and has been disabled. If you are the owner of this bot, you may appeal this decision if you feel it has been made in error.
Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to Pandorabots and/or the permanent termination of your account.
Pandorabots Staff
It said that...
You have made me lose control of my bowels and gave me an urinal track infection. And there's hot -**lotion-** on my monitor and im mindfucked. Good job. I never knew Minecraft had a larger surface area than Neptune!
Btw there's a glitch when you punch the first child it freezes and loops the punch cycle. Please fix thnx
When I first came on this
It was my twelve birthday, and I was the biggest fucking n00b ever. I was a n00b times 1213423423423423423 to the power of 3222222222222222. Now im going on to apologize. Wish me luck.
dis waz great but i cant beat stage 16
really great game but you hafta fix it because wheh i see it right away i shoot at it but it dosent take damage untill it turns around thats really annoying plz fix it
tha dude below missed some cheats so im puttin them in
#0: Don't Move a Muscle = Keep the elephant from moving
#1: It's a Jump to the Left = Find a way to move westward
#2: And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight! = Strain yourself to move right
#3: Fight Gravity = Figure out how to jump upwards
#4: Elephant Skewers = Hit a spike strip
#5: Ascension = Be lifted into the sky
#6: Lefty = Show love to the left wall.
#7: Righty = Show love to the right wall.
#8: Purple Ceiling = Hit the top of the hardest level
#9: Rock Bottom = Find the bottom of the easiest level
#10: Speedy Downfall = Fall from the top to bottom without stopping
#11: Escape Velocity = Go from bottom to top without stopping
#12: Stalactite = Skewer yourself at high speed on downward facing spikes
#13: Stalagmite = Skewer yourself at high speed on upward facing spikes
#14: Found Point 0 = Uncovered secret point 0
#15: Found Point 1 = Claimed secret point 1
#16: Found Point 2 = Excavated secret point 2
#17: Found Point 3 = Popped open secret point 3
#18: Found Point 4 = Tripped over secret point 4
#19: Found Point 5 = Visited secret point 5
#20: Bloodhound = Uncovered all points on level
#21: Floating Corpse = Get a skeleton stuck in a launcher
#22: I Can Count to 5! = Visit each point in order
#23: We Have Liftoff = Visit each point in reverse order
#24: Airwalking = Stay off the ground for 10 seconds
#25: Hellbound = Launch corpse to bottom
#26: Heavenbound = Launch corpse to ceiling
#27: Secret Alcove = Get surrounded by three sides (1)
#28: Secret Cave = Get surrounded by three sides (2)
#29: Secret Hideout = Get surrounded by three sides (3)
#30: Death at 0 = Fire a corpse at Point 0
#31: 1 o'clock murder = Fire a corpse at Point 1
#32: Get Off Your Seats = Jump for 10 seconds nonstop
#33: Cemetary = Have 5 live corpses on the screen
#34: Graveyard = Have 7 live corpses on the screen
#35: Half-Century = Reach 50 elephant deaths
#36: Century = Reach 100 elephant deaths
#37: And One More... = Hit 101 elephant deaths
#38: Stayin' Alive = Stay alive for 15 seconds
#39: Longevity = Stay alive for 30 seconds
#40: Gone in a Flash = Die in less 0.23 seconds
#41: Wrecking Ball = Hit the center spiked platform
#42: In the Pit = Land a corpse in the pit
#43: Pit Hat Trick = Land 3 corpses in the pit
#44: 10 Pin Pit = Land 10 corpses in the pit
#45: Double Play Pit = Have two corpses in the pit at once
#46: Triple Play Pit = Have three corpses in the pit at once
#47: Horizontal Confusion = Hold both the left and right keys
#48: Vertical Confusion = Hold both the up and down keys
#49: Total Confusion = Space bar has no purpose, dummy
#50: My Favourite Spot = Find the developer's favourite spot
#51: 60 Seconds = Play for one minute
#52: 180 Seconds = Play for three minutes
#53: 300 Seconds = Play for five minutes
#54: Pi = Hit points 3-1-4 in that order
#55: THIS IS SPARTA = Hit 3-0-0 in that order
#56: Meaning of Life = Hit 4-2 in that order
#57: (2*125)+3 = Hit 2-5-3 in that order
#58: 3*(30/(15-13)) = Hit 4-5 in that order
#59: Paint 10 = Touch 10 blocks
#60: Paint 25 = Touch 25 blocks
#61: Paint 50 = Touch 50 blocks
#62: Paint 75 = Touch 75 blocks
#63: Paint 100 = Touch 100 blocks
#64: Masterpiece = Touch every touchable block
#65: Jet 5 = Hit 5 launchers
#66: Jet 10 = Hit 10 launchers
#67: Master Jetter = Hit every launcher
#68: 3 Spikes = Hit 3 stationary spikes
#69: 7 Spikes = Hit 7 stationary spikes
#70: Spikeful = Hit all stationary spikes
#71: Extreme Makeover = Recolour all areas
#72: True Blue = Turn your elephant blue
#73: Shocking Pink = Turn your elephant Pink
#74: Sweet Orange = Turn your elephant orange
#75: Stealth Black = Turn your elephant black
#76: Cheater = Ask for a Hint
#77: Programmers Credit = Enter jmtb02 into level
#78: Too Much Contra = Enter Contra level select code
#79: No Cheese for You = Click the level area
oh i coudmt cauze uzed up chars
Joined on 11/25/10